But That Day Is Not Today

Just realized that today is not only America's cake day, but my Reddit cake day as
I am gonna have to return these to my friend eventually. but today is not that day
Eventually I'm going to give up on these throwaways...but today is not that day!
One day I'll stop taking my tits out in the Target bathrooms but today is not that
I’ll stop being a slut one day, but today is not that day.
One day I'll be able to see my abs but today is not that day.
It may come a day when I tire of pictures of gay couples with dogs. But guess what?
I know that these kinds of posts are not allowed but considering the fact that today
One day he’ll learn not to leave me in the car all alone, but today is not that
maybe one day there will be a day that i wear panties, but today is not that day