Coffee Is Life

Coffee is life, coffee is love.
Coffee is life
life without coffee is no li(f)e at all
Coffee is life?
Coffee is love, coffee is life [F]
I'm sure there is more to life than coffee and gratuitous nudity ... but I've never
“Let us toast to animal pleasures, to escapism, to rain on the roof and instant
Morning coffee to spark some life into me! A mug with my mug on how great is that?!
What is best in life? Coffee, fresh air and copious nudity - and the freedom to enjoy
Snapshots of life in AltBoobWorld : This lady comes here every day. "Sometimes
Study break ON. Coffee mode ON. Life is good! Who agrees with me?
This is just me...having coffee..as I am catching up on life...
Gentle Sunday morning coffee is one of life's little treats
Morning coffee outdoors is one of life's little treats