Coping Mechanism

Just got the boot from a girl I've been kinda seeing, engage LBGW coping mechanisms!
Alcohol is a great, albeit unhealthy, coping mechanism for feeling dumped.
When they invalidate your coping mechanisms
F/21/5'7" [166lbs>160lbs=6lbs] (1 week) I have been working alot on not
when all your coping mechanisms are for depression
Inspirobot teaching me healthy coping mechanisms
Drinks are healthy coping mechanisms, right [M] 24
This is my plant that I bought as a coping mechanism ?
Cynicism is a coping mechanism for existential pain. Upvote wholesomeness to remind
My generic coping mechanism is so much cooler than your generic coping mechanism,
Masturbation as a coping mechanism ?
Going through a breakup is rough. Hyper-focusing on my sexuality is my coping mechanism.
Tattoos and hair dyes are my coping mechanisms sometimes lol >3<
we all have coping mechanisms
The (f) that I made a titty drop to release stress says something about my coping
Pretty baths are my lockdown coping mechanism. What are yours? [NB]