Dammit Guys

Dammit!  I just purchased a domain name but forgot to verify the Twitter name availability
dammit guys
Dammit, guys.
God dammit I accidently sent this to my friend! I guess you guys may as well have
I may not be the biggest or best looking guy on here but dammit I'll try!!!
Dammit, Justin. Not again. (yo honestly I'm just tryna show you guys Miley's nipple)
Dammit meg! [Family guy] (honda05)
???Sleep Well guys god dammit my Fucking internet died ???
I woke up like this, but you should see the other guy. Wait. That's not what I meant...............
It's my cake day, 5 years on Reddit, and thought you guys would really enjoy a little
Dammit! Some Guys just have ALL the Luck! - (Oct. 1977)