Dead Deer

OH DEER THAT'S PRETTY WEIRD (Also that deer is dead)
[50/50] An infographic with about 15 suggestions for how to improve a meal involving
My mom just found a bald eagle eating a dead deer carcus.. (Eagle River, WI)
Dead deer that was attacked by coyotes on my local trail [x-post from /r/gore]
Someone found a frozen dead deer next to the road and decided to stand it up [r/wtf]
A dead deer hung on a fence during German floods, June 2013
My uncle set up a trail camera near a dead deer and caught this, I thought it was
[50/50] A drawing of a bear bro-fisting a deer over a dead hunter (cartoon gore)
Hairless Wrinkled Deer - NSFW - it's dead
Today in photography class we were assigned to take photos in black and white and
Dead Deer NSFW maybe [Pentax ME Super, 50mm f/2, Kodak?]
[Off-season] Warning dead deer.
Hyena vs. Cheetah over dead deer
STag BrUtaLLy rAPEs DEer AnD LEAveS iT FOr dEaD, ShockiNG nEarBy mOtOrISTs
A deer wasn't dead after the hunter shot it.
There’s a deadly disease spreading among elk and deer in the United States
[50/50] Swollen dead deer in the forest (NSFW) | Cozy cabin in the forest (SFW)
Dead deer in the forest
WCGW If I didn’t make sure the deer was dead. NSFW
Route pic (warning: dead deer)
Day of the Dead Celebration [FFM] (A_Blue_Deer)