Dear Me

Dear GW: I hope this satis[f]ies any and all questions you've ever had about me...
Dear Best Buy, you make it too easy for me to revert back to 16 years old. (NSFW..ish?)
Dear GWP, thanks [f]or helping me love every part of myself, even the ones I used
Dear GW, I got stood up tonight. Cheer me up?
dear lord  dat ass .me gusta
Dear Internet, here's a photo of boobs that was given to me in Garmisch 2004. I must
Dear God. JGL giving me an epic ladyboner. Slightly NSFW.
Dear GWC, someone was taking my photos and posting them elsewhere on the interwebs
Dear Santa, all I want [f]or Christmas this year is someone to spoil me like a princess!
Dear (f)unlez009,  here I am,  waiting with my rope.   

I DARE YOU,  to tie me up,
Dear Mom and Dad: Thank you for sending me to Rock Star Camp
dear cute guy next to me in traf(f)ic.. im over here pulling my shirt down while
Dear GWP, every time someone hates on me here, I'm posting a pic. So here's my tits
Dear guys, my bf verbally harasses me but I'll never leave him since he's the one!
Dear boy[f]riend sending me links to threesomes, I'm hot and wet and want your tongue
Dear God: Thank You [f]or making me an attractive woman-- I can get away with things.
Dear Lord!! Jared Leto and his quirkiness! Gets me in the feel goods. [NSFW]
Dear Husband, when you see this post come into the bedroom and (f)uck your wife.
Dear Jesus: You let me into your heaven and I'll let you into mine. Signed, Ashley
Dear Diary : He gave me a credit card today.
Dear Mom and Dad: Thanks again for sending me to Naked Camp
Dear Mr. Putin, please enroll me in your Russian mail order bride service
Dear me. (f)
Dear r/avocadosgonewild; I never thought this would happen to me, but...
Dear Santa--I've put a lot of things in my butt this year--hope that you can forgive
Dear lonely, dear me
Dear White People, here's a list of acceptable things you can fuck: me (xpost from
Dear me.
Dear mods, plz would ya verify me? I think I'll stick around!
Dear Santa, Please help me to be on my Hubby’s naughty list this year. He helped
Dear god. This finished me instantly.
Dear Lordy Save Me
Dear Asstastic, (F)orgive me - it's been a minute.
Dear redditors, I promise I will get a better camera eventually. Please be patient
Dear god, please send a cute boy with a huge cock to pound my asshole and (f)ill
Tell me how much you adore my pussy [f]
Dear internet, I'm a 26 year old lady who's been developing a science-based, 100%
Oh dear me
Dear Reddit family, you know how much I love you and how happy I want to make you
Dear fellow post wall hags. Where can I find the good men who want me for more than
Dear reddit, do you wanna suck on these titties? Circle yes or no. Love sometimes,
Dear Santa, I think you like me being naughty because I ❤️ the thigh highs you
Suck on me ?
"Dear Penthouse. I never thought this would happen to me..." - Confessions
Dear diary, if he's licks me like that again he willEown me