Depressing Things

Depressed and alone. Say some nice things about [m]e please
Sorry I've been gone guys just been a little depressed lately well here's the first
This is the most depressingly hilarious thing I've seen for Valentine's Day
F/22/5'1" [185>160 = 25lbs] (3 years) Girl on the left was very depressed
is there a combined gw/depression subreddit for sad girls who do impulsive things,
Just severely depressed white male things
(M) 32 165 6' - Feeling a bit depressed and like I'm everyone's third or fourth choice...
The depression thing
Apparently, the [f]act that I lost 40 pounds means that I'm: (1) Not the same person
Once in a while, I get into a depressed state that leads me to delete Reddit, Snapchat
[NSFW] F/20/5'4" [147lbs > 129lbs = 18lbs] (1 year) Apologies for the
M/27, 322 lbs, 5'11" I've struggled with my weight for years. It's one of the
There is no such thing as unskilled labor, it is a fake idea used to depress your
I can think of one thing to cure my depression