Dog Fail

If your dog doesn't look like this, you've failed as an owner.
[50/50] Funny looking dog (not-NSFW) | Necrosis infected failed circumcision (NSFL)
[50/50] Street dog ambushes and brutally kills cat (NSFW/NSFL) / Street dog ambushes
TIL in 2007 a dog saved his owner from choking. After an apple became lodged in the
After a lot of failed efforts to make a female dog robot for Spike Twilight decides
After a lot of failed efforts to make a female dog robot for Spike Twilight decides
dog.exe fails to load
Why does Projared look like a failed clone of Reservoir Dogs era Tim Roth?
The face of a business that recognizes animal abuse/drugged dog and not only fails
Failed Beast {F Human -> F Dog/Wolf Mid-TF} from 肝ミンチ/ミュート推奨/KutsujokuMan
Dog hoe throwing up in the toilet after licking my ass! I told her what it was before
MMC after I try (and fail) to kick a dog and crash my rickshaw because of it