Dog Owners

Hey dog owners, don't you hate it when this happens? [NSFW]
Dog HACKED by a hatchet, probably from his "previous" owner.
[50/50] Dog tries to crawl away after owner breaks both hind legs, but is quickly
This dog ripped another dogs head off today, the owner then just walked away, the
You'd be surprised how many dog owners are smoking hot women
One of the most angering pictures ever taken: Chinese officials beat a dog to death
Dogs become lonely when their owners leave for the day, and will sometimes post to
Dog with his dead owner. (X-post from /r/horriblydepressing)
Dog owners would understand
Legend the Dog saved his family owners lives and caught two bullets doing it (story
Owner Kills Faithful Dog
Owner jumps to conclusions after seeing their faithful dog with a bloody mouth, (Something
Dogs mimicking their owners...
TIL in 2007 a dog saved his owner from choking. After an apple became lodged in the
I forgot to close out of Reddit before taking and sending this picture to the dogs
A common way "dog owners" after they realized how dangerous owning a dog
An owner thought he would save some money by treating his arthritic dog with ibuprofen
Proud Dog Owner
Although veterinaries offer free, clean, and healthy castration for the matriarchy's
Dogs that look like their owners
Trying to be sexy as a dog owner
Dedicated dog owner
dOg brUTilLy buRRiEs OwNEr AliVe AfTer ShE aNNoYs HiM
Owner tries to save dog from cat attack
Dog died trying to protect Owner from Terrorist Truck attack in Sweden [NSFL]
DOg IS ScaREd shITLEss BY A fUcKiNg BaLL His OWNEr kiLLs Him!! nSfLIfe
OwNeR bRuTaLlY tWiStS dOg's NeCk uSiNg CrUeL tRiCk
Unfit dog owner with aggressive dog in St Boniface area.
Dog Owner
Owner's Dog Worries And Tries to Save Him
Dog's foot run over 10 days ago, owner says it's fine; he gave aspirin and penicillin
Dog kills owner with his own vehicle
Dog owner throws stick in river for dog to fetch not knowing there's an alligator
Dog Owner
Psychotic dog owner brags about his dog killing a neighborhood cat
Useful guide for newer dog owners coming up to Christmas
Dog savagely attacked for a second time by pit bull, then pit bull owner accuses
chinese owner ask dog to hide because customers is scared of dogs
Why do these kind people have to live next door to their dogs killer and have no
Dog attacked by dog, with 8 piercing wounds distributed around the body. I dont have
red-haired dog girl waiting for her owner to get back
Dog owners...
Dog is ashamed of its owner