Dual Parallel

Dual Parallel ribbon clapton 24g/0.5 ribbon wrap. 0.1 ohm
Not very pretty but Dual Parallel 24g 5 wrap .04 ohms on Mutation X v3
Dual parallel build. 26G kanthal 6 wraps. (NSFW) 0.08 Ω
dual parallel 22g kanthal a1 not very safe or clean looking but gets the job done
possibly NSFW just acouple of my recent builds, first is dual 4 wrap parallel coils,
Today's build before work. Dual tri parallels 24g nichrome. 5/6 wrap on 2.4mm driver.
Dual 23g claptoned with 34g and parallel with 26g. 7/64" ID .18ohms.
Dual coil | 2x26 n80/32 ka1 alien wire | parallel to 26 n80 | 0.08ish ♎
How's that for surface area. 3.5mm 5 wrap sextuple parallel dual coils. 26ga .1ohms
NSFW Cloud build for parallel+ setups. Spaced 4-wrap 18ga N80 duals, 1/8 ID, .06
Basic builds seem to be hot. 6 wraps 22g ni80 staged with 5 wraps parallel 26g ka1.
Another super NSFW. 22g n80 dual parallel coil. Wicked and sitting at 0.055 ohm.
2 newest builds, finally got thinner gauge wire again. 2x 26g 316L SS fused with
26ga Spiral with dual 26ga parallel. 0.13 ohms. Zero Ramp up time.
Playing with Kanthal and Nichrome. 2x28ga n80, 8x.4mm A1, wrapped in 36ga A1&n80,
Staggerton. 8x.4mm wrapped in 38ga, 4x.4mm & 2x28ga, wrapped in 40ga, paralleled
Stagerton variation. 6x0.4mm & 28ga wrapped in 40ga, 6x0.4mm & 28g,
Not perfect. Still working on perfecting the staggered. Staggered fused, paralleled