Duck Duck Goose

duck, duck, duck, GOOSE
Duck, Duck, Goose
MRW My friends ask to play Duck Duck Goose but I don't understand the game.
Duck, duck, goose.
duck duck goose [3]
Duck Duck Goose | Maroon Bells, CO
Goose (Duck, Duck)
Duck, Duck, Goose
(M) im.still on but have know clue wtf any one talking about. And 1rst thing 1rts
Duck, duck, goose
Duck Samus {F Human -> F Goose} from ナゲ狐犬/n_inuinu
Duck Samus {F Human -> F Feral Duck/Goose} from ナゲ狐犬/n_inuinu
Duck Duck Goose ?
Sorting by new is like playing that game ‘duck, duck, goose’ but instead it’s
Duck duck goose
Duck duck goose
Duck duck goose
I think shes cheating at duck, duck, goose