Ea Games

So heres what I've gotten from the EA/Steam issue in a nutshell [possibly NSFW poorly
Finished Dante's Inferno today. Thanks EA... [NSFW]
EA ORIGIN [Reunite the tri-force] no one is going to die. (/spoiler)
Lost my BF1942 discs but EA helped me out by being awesome!
So EA won't let me use custom images for my BF3 Platoon then... Fine. [NSFW]
I just noticed something about EA's logo...
Right when I FINALLY get that Star Wars game for Christmas, I had to go and fuck
Robert Kotick has an issue EA support can't resolve [NSFW]
EA Costumer Service at its Finest NSFW
What the EA has become.(Sorta NSFW)
What the hell is this EA?
EA doesn't quite understand the concept of steam bundles
So EA has sent me a warning email for my terrible behavior.
[NSFW] EA's Facebook Fail of the Day
/v/ draws EA CEO John Riccitiello
Idiot customer vs cheeky EA rep. No one really wins.
What Notch likes about EA
EA right now
Watch for comments and posts by users paid by EA.  I've seen a few.  Remember what
EA Games ....
OMG!!! EA is LITERALLY selling games! FOR MONEY! WTF!!!
EA Games fucks a franchise in the ass.
EA customer support at its finest..
The truth about EA
Used EA Sports gameface generator with a scientific diagram of a vagina. For... science
Everybody loves EA [NSFW]
Oh, that's where EA got their logo from (NSFW)
EA Customer Experience has stepped their game up!
Miranda modifies Edi for a more personal use [Mass Effect, EA Games]
EA being a bad influence when I wanted to reset my Origin password [NSFW?]
Motor City Online's last moments before EA shut down the servers
Snopp Dogg was lighting it up during the ea e3 battlefield 1 stream.
NSFW EA knows what's up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
EA's conference be like... [NSFW]
EA Sports. It's In The Game.
Even this die from family game night is attacking EA.
[NSFW] Pretty much did a big "F*** You" to EA games and switched my preorder
How it feels to play an EA game.
The response from EA today.
What EA logo really means
This is EA and how they threat their customers
EA after the 3 billion stock drop
(NSFW) Found EA at pax south
People who buy EA games
When EA cuts out content from the game to sell as DLC and micro transactions
TIL they made booies from "THE WITCHER 3" a real thing! The detail of this
This is the award my dad got for 20 years of service at EA :)
How do you guys usually take EA published titles? B is usually my go to.
I'm pretty sure EA is trying to slowly phase out Tiger Woods from his own game...Take
In the indie classic game Mass Effect the female characters are all stupid thicc.
Buttplay then gameplay ? I can't wait to play ME remastered! But EA is deleting all