Earlier Today

Earlier today when I was headed home from church ;)
Earlier today.. Back from the gym (requests for tomorrow?)
Earlier today.
Earlier today. (F)
Earlier today <3
Earlier today (f)
Earlier today...
earlier today, right before my shower! it was steamy. ;)
Earlier today [F19]
Earlier today..
Earlier today ?
Earlier Today [F] ?
Earlier today
Earlier today... ;)
Earlier today I was too rough on my [f]ox tail plug and now it's just a fox tuft
Earlier today I botched cropping a pic and couldn't stop laughing. Putting all politics
Earlier today
Earlier today (M)
earlier today. was stupid cold and rainy and [f]oggy
Earlier today [f]
Earlier today
Earlier today...
Earlier today
Earlier Today [M]
Earlier today my mother discovered my Tumblr...
earlier today
Earlier Today You Saw Me From Behind. Here I Am From The (F)ront!
Earlier today, I had my fundies on... [F36]
Earlier today, in the office toilet ?
Earlier today [F]
earlier today
Earlier today...twice.
Earlier Today Was Exciting! I Want More <3
earlier today, wonder if the neighbors saw me (mtf) ?
Earlier today there was a lightning strike near me and I smelt sulphur. This evening
earlier today
earlier today ???
Earlier today (46M)
Earlier Today
Earlier today I was a slut for my toy ?
Earlier today I was assisting my science professor with an experiment in order to