Feel Like Shit

curled my hair..still feel like shit
Feeling like shit cuz girl was with 2 others... what does reddit think? :$ [male]
Old pic, bored and lonely Brit in Ohio. Any love for skinny guys?? Feel like shit
Feeling like shit. Total karma whore right now...
Feeling like shit. Make me feel Better.?
Feeling like shit, have a picture of me naked.
Feeling like shit but I figured you guys/girls would appreciate this...?
My friends will obviously keep the (some nude/some semi-nude) pics to themselves,
Feeling like shit tonight. Any words of encourage(m)ent available?
Feeling like shit... Could use some cheering up ? PMs and Messages always welcome!
Anyone else feel like shit and not want to go back to work??
Opana 20mg ER, opana 10mg ER, oxycodone 10mg IR, OxyContin 20mg. Dr will be changing
After feeling like Shit at work all day, this'll make my day a lil better!
"Ya know? This is gonna make me feel like shit. Oh well."
got turned down for sex after sending this , now I feel like shit
I feel like shit
I feel like shit, but this made me chuckle so I thought I'd share it.
I feel like shit, but I can still have a good time!
I feel like shit, but I can still have a good time!
I feel like shit, but I can still have a good time!
I feel like shit [F,23]
Sick. Feel like shit. At least my dick is fine. lol
I called in sick - man I feel like shit
Hungover and feeling like shit. [OC]
Lost my job, feel like shit, have some tits! [F]
M/27/5'11/245 lbs I like a friend, but she doesn't feel the same. Which is completely
IDK Feel Like shit so I'm indulging an impulse here, hi
Feeling like shit. What's your go to comfort bands/songs? (f) (image)
I feel like shit because of this. Is this the kind of community we really want to
Feeling like shit today so here's a boob and belly tease. Send me your best pickup
Feeling like shit tonight, so here's [m]y dick, I guess
got stood up on a fuck date, feeling like shit, at least I look cute [f]
Feeling like shit. Just want him back...
Woke up extremely early this morning and dysphoria took its opportunity to start
Kinda feel like shit. Come fuck the stress out of me?
feel like shit rn and would love to know someone is masturbating to me
Feeling like shit, give me attention! Lol
I feel like shit. Anyone wanna co[M]e over and make me feel better?
Accidently fell asleep and didn't even realise until I saw the time my bad...don't
Feel like shit, maybe you could lift my mood?
Degrade me, i wanna feel like shit
Got called ugly by a few Incels earlier. Always glad to know my dick is huge when
Feel like shit for a few days. So bathBeer ! Cheers.
When you feel like shit... Post naked content of yourself on the internet, right?
My self-esteem is probably the lowest it's ever been. I'm 28. Never had sexual contact