Fish And Chips

Fish and chips, with a freshly opened bottle of my finest available vintage.
Chips and tits, or is it fish and chips?
Rode 25 miles for fish and chips and the shop was shut...totally worth it.
We came in from my birthday and cooked everything in our freezer. Scampi, fish fingers,
Motherfuckin' delicious fish and chips. We're talkin' British pub grub, fuckers.
Fish and Chips
Fish and chips never looked so good
Dinner on Saturday night. Ordered fish and chips. This is what they brought out.
Millennials will not end fish and chips (with vinegar and ketchup on mine)
Can you hand over the fish and the chips and the sauce?
Fish and chips for lunch
Fish and chips and Rolex
[GifRecipes] Classic Fish and Chips
Fish and chips were all over the place s'n'a,,p*racescale!