Funny Dude

"Dude my tat is like a metaphor" [NSFW]
Dude...Are you seeing this?! (probably NSFW)
Dude, I LOVE Yu-Gi-Oh! [NSFW]
Dude likes what he sees! [nsfw]
Dude What [NSFW]
Dude, I think it's time to take Sarah home.
Dude, Look at this Amazing Sexy Self Shot Mirror Pic...  WTF?!
Dudes who fap in the shower will understand...
Dude, that's a teen.
dude likes bacon
Dude, smell this! [nsfw]
Dudes being dudes
Dude, that's not how you ride chairlift.
My friend found this photo on his phone and couldn't figure out why he took until
"Dude, she was on her phone the whole time . . ." [NSFW]
Dude?.... Lady???..... Boob!!! (Nsfw)
Dude, turn it upside down..
Dudes can mess up on eBay as well... [NSFW] [FB]
Dudes, I just Vajazzled my taint! (NSFW)
"dude are you okay?" "fine, just tweeting." [FIXED] NSFW
Dude is clearly having too much of a fun time while driving. NSFW
I searched "dude what" and got this... Dude... What?
[All Spoilers] Not funny Dude!
Dude, it's just a mara- Oh wait.
Dude, is that her boob?
Dude,MOOOOOOOVE over I wanna see too! [NSFW]
Dude showing off his little pistol on OKCupid. (x-post with /r/CringePics)
Dude's got class
Dude, Ellen Page is gay? I never would have guessed!
Dude rides giant horse cock NSFW
dude - do you even lift?
So my dude makes dick statues, this one is my favorite
This dude knows how to festival
Dude on Reddit posts picture of weird naked guy sleeping in a truck. Reflection puts
Dude left his romantic poem on the table at the bar
Dude in the glasses: "Damn I picked a great day for a walk". NSFW
Dude Breaks the Internet!
dude. really..?
dude... check out dat ass
Dude Takes Pounding From Tough Wood [NSWF]
Dude in the comments is a straight savage
Dude tells me he's got a butterfly dick tattoo. I tell him it will for sure go viral
This dude has high expectations for porn
Dude accidentally posts his nsfw sex request to his prayer group. Country goes crazy
Dude gets revenge on scammer by banging his own {scammer's} sister
Dude complains about porn...
Dude's high standards in porn fixed for safe sex [nsfw]
Dude just wants to fap in peace
dude loses a bet NSFW
Dude. No
Dudes who listen to Coldplay
That's snot funny dude
Dallas put up these B_G letters around town for photo ops. Dude saw an opportunity...
Dude wishes he never looked