Funny Fridge

"What's in a man's mind?", fridge magnet found in the office pantry today
This is why beer must always stand right down at the bottom of the fridge.
I think my dog got into the fridge or something and his vomit is very strange...can
Fridge Magnet Poem I made on my friend's parents' fridge (slightly NSFW)
Both of my roommates girlfriends are staying over for the weekend, they're gonna
one of the kids I babysit traced her scissors.. this now hangs on their fridge.
Fun with art students at Carnival on someone else's fridge.
My name is Drew. My gf doodled this on my fridge while I was out. Her cartoons really
I drew this on our fridge to keep us on our diet. Incentive? I think so. (NSFW)
on my fridge this morning (nsfw)
My friend got a new fridge with a touch screen [NSFW]
I see your Italian fridge magnets and raise you the gift my brother brought me back
My parents asked me to bring back a fridge magnet from italy, got all 4. Nailed it.
The most disgusting sentence you can make with fridge magnets? Perhaps
Canadian fridge.
Dammit! The fridge got into my beer again! (NSFW, I guess... But come on.)
Doggystyle fridge magnets (nsfw?)
So this is what happens when you put photos on our fridge...(NSFW)
Individually lettered fridge magnets should not be given to my roommates (NSFW -
Man runs out of fucks and gets some from fridge
So I bought some animal magnets for the fridge... [NSFW]?
My roommate wrote me a nice letter while I was away, thought it might look good on
F#ck our troops (Friends fridge magnet)
Came home and my roommate had put this on the fridge... nsfw.
My cake day is nearly over, but here are some accidentally NSFW magnets that my mom
Found my roomates balls in the fridge
This is what my roommate decided to draw on the fridge while I was asleep.
No spreadsheet or anything, but I put this on the fridge and my wife fucked my brains
This has been on my dad's fridge for as long as I can remember
This is what many a fridge looks like closed
My room mates and I all work in healthcare. One of my roomies posted this on the
My roommates drew this on the fridge while I was at work. I'm classy I swear.
Found this in the fridge this morning
Ground beef in a hot climate, door open, not even plugged in. But it's inside a fridge.
As a hardcore vikings fan, I found this absurdly hilarious picture on my uncles fridge.
My fiancée colored this and put it on our fridge [POSSIBLY NSFW]
So, this is my friend's fridge.
I was looking for a new energy drink and I found a new addition to add to my fridge.
Yeah...um.. I'm interested in the fridge.
My GF and I are having a romantic poetry battle on the fridge.
NSFW I have been getting really into fridge poetry lately [OC]
[NSFW] My brother's friend was helping her mom clean the fridge when the pizza dough
What's that on the fridge, let's check it-ooooooh
Fridge p0rn (NSFW)
Pornhub on a fridge at lowes (mildly NSFW)
Samsung will try anything to sell a $5k fridge..
Sister bought me some magnetic words for the fridge. I'm 30.
My mom and her boyfriend bought a smart fridge. Shw said what the fuck, and I yelled
My wife and I post cute messages to each other on the fridge, she wasn't a fan of