Funny Junk

I brought this beautiful Japanese model home last night.  Now I need advice on what
Sent my girlfriend a picture of my junk for Valentine's Day..
Prince Phillip wears a kilt, flashes his junk and absolutely gives no fucks
Went to Scarefest and all I got was this picture of my junk [Semi-NSFW]
Calgary Flames streaker, 2002: Great collection of facial expressions [slightly NSFW;
NSFW didn't appreciate my post about this girls junk in da trunk
Doctor Manhattan putting his junk on display as a big-boned transvestite beats a
Pictue of somebodies junk
Junk in the trunk (NSFW)
Just shopping around for cat toys, when I see this .... in the dog toy section at
Just grabbing some junk, I mean lunch. NSFW
This is what happens to junk mail in our apartment...
Got that junk in the trunk? Aww yea.... [nsfw]
[NSFW] I work for a junk company and this was in an elderly couples attic
I decided to look through my junk mail and found this gem [NSFW]
He won't throw them out because they make his junk look awesome
Friend uploaded this "inspirational" image to Facebook today. That's...
Showeth thine junk
[M]y junk - Sorry for the potato quality [NSFW]
My boss buys junk at estate auctions but every now an then I stumble upon extravagant
I was sorting through some old boxes of junk and, I stumbled across this "classy"
Paused "Naked Dating" after his date chose the other guy, the looks these
Junk in the Trunk
Looks like a classic case of "throw me and your junk will follow"
"Look at my junk ladies! "LOOK AT IT!!"
Junk in the trunk "nsfw"
Oh Fallout 3, how you never stop coming up with random funny stuff stuff. Is that
Uploaded a picture of my junk using imgur, but this happened (NSFW)
Junk Magician
Checking my Junk Email when...(poss. NSFW)
Mario likes some junk in the trunk
Probably where his junk used to be