Funny Messages

Why men shouldn't take phone messages
Porn with a positive message [nsfw]
It was Clint Eastwood's birthday last week. The skywriting message didn't work the
So, I got wasted last night and messaged all my friend's parents. My favorite response.
Message to Jimmy Wales; a strategy to funding Wikipedia :) [slightly NSFW]
Classic text message fail. I can't believe this actually happened!
I responded to a cute message my girlfriend left on our whiteboard...needless to
There's a hidden message (NSFW)
I received a lovely message from a fine gentleman the other day.
Stayed at my buddies house last week. On my way home he sent me this picture with
I'm getting mixed messages here (NSFW?) First Post
Browsing porn, then I get a message of pure seduction. [NSFW]
Pizza box with hidden message
A message from Dr. Phil at a Thai restaurant's bathroom in Hollywood (xpost from
a stranger with the wrong number came at me with a sexual text message. I decided
Reddit inspired my wife to leave me her own shower hair message.
I'm getting mixed messages here Emma [NSFW]
When your skinny jeans send you a message, call it back
As a growing interest in australia is occurring i find it my duty as a australian
In honor of July 4th, a message from the Queen
My "Go to" Picture for awkward text messages to friends, family, and randoms.
Got a message from an unknown number. No words, just this.
Going through my old messages to my husband. We're either doing it right - or very,
Hopefully they will get the message.. Happy New Year 202!
It's not about etiquette, it's about sending a message
My friend just sent me this with the message, "Wish you were here"
Message my SO just sent me. (NSFWish?)
Friend of mine found a message written in glue on the inside of some packaging NSFW
To the guy who installed the chair rail at my workplace 14 years ago: message received.
I found this message in the girls restroom at the high school I work(custodian).nsfw
We got a soda fountain in our break room. Someone was trying to send a message...
MTV hotlinks to stolen image for article. Owner replaces picture with dickpic and
message from my brother: "Ok guys we need to make it past the tip for the first
Kinda getting a mixed message here, PETA... [NSFW]
My wife had a bad week so she angrily crocheted a message to everyone who upset her.
I send this photo to friends that take too long at responding to a text message.
A message for Comcast
Funny tinder message (minor NSFW)
The best error message I've ever seen.
A message from the Royal Family
So I was bored, and a bot messaged me on KiK.
My parents are re-doing the ceiling in their basement for the first time since moving
I airbnb my house and have a chalk wall where guests can leave messages. Today I
Wife wants anal. Sent a lunch message. 'In the butt'
Left a message for the surgeon operating on me yesterday
Favorite feature on the Note8, live messages nsfw
This is STILL my favorite thing to send friends who don't answer text messages
I appreciate all the kind,sweet,and funny messages you all send even when I'm not
57 new messages from Mark
Message from my local gas station attendant
Please enjoy this wholesomely funny message with me, your deserve it <3
My wife and I post cute messages to each other on the fridge, she wasn't a fan of
Our baby had a message for mama while breastfeeding
Tried viewing a nsfw subreddit. Instead received this error message