Goat Man

/r/WTF didn't think it was WTF-worthy, but it did get an interesting discussion going
Man fucking a tiny goat.
Man getting his asshole ripped by a goat
Man having anal sex with a horse and a goat whilst his 5 year old son watches. (NSFW)
Man humping goat | Goat humping man
[50/50] Needle-tailed monster killing a man (NSFW) | Baby goat frolicking in a field
[50/50](NSFL)Man is clubbed over head with flaming guitar l (NSFW) Man impales goat
[50/50] Hippie Goat/ Man stimulating his prostate with his thumb while jacking off
Man Holds Head Of Sacrificed Goat [x-post from /r/WTF]
[50/50] Guy lets wolfs eat him alive in front of his family. (NSFW/L) | Man bows
"A man is still considered pure if he releases his lust with a sheep or a goat.
Man caught fucking a goat
[50/50] Young man missing a quarter of his face (fresh wound) (NSFW/L) | Little goats
And another one. All thanks to K5 man yall are the GOATs
Laundry day
Kate Upton, missionary starfish and titty fucked or has she worked hard to be a throat
Sofia Vergara is no doubt the hollywood throat goat. There isn't a cock big enough
Looking for a real man to take care of me. Please add my snap tandafter