Gonna Go To Sleep

About to go to bed..check /gonewild..gonna be a couple [m]inutes before I can go
Gonna go [f]uck myself silly to sleep now..
(f) I was gonna go to sleep, but something tells me this teen is gonna be up all
Gonna have to get rid of this before I go to sleep ;)
Well lost the underwear and gonna try to go to bed with a boner? yes, i sleep in
Super sleepy so gonna go to sleep early tonight. Night night everyone sweet dreams
Gonna have to beat this into submission before im able to go to sleep (m)
Was gonna wait to post again but this is addicting lol. I couldn't even sleep. Now
I was gonna go to sleep but I guess I'll stay up a little longer
Gonna go to sleep soon. This is (M)e every morning, how would you wake me up?
whos gonna keep me company before i go to sleep?? (im 23 ^^) my sc: emmahaze420
I was gonna go to sleep but
gonna hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. anyone want to join me? ??