Hair On Point

Duck (F)ace is on point and Ready for a night out with my new(ish well its a week
I thought I looked good for once! At least my hair was on point. [M]
Hair is on point
Hair on point (f)
Tried on some knickers but what's the point if the hair hangs out?
Hair on point
When the hair is on point :P
My hair was on point yesterday. Shame not to share.
My Hair Is On Point
hair on point
She's curvy and her hair and makeup is on point (AIC)
Hair on point
Hair on point
Hair's looking on point today! ?
Hair on point this morning
LF Mono Source: "You want me to sit on your face!? Seriously!?", blushing,
At this point my neighbor pretty much owns my pussy, and my husband doesn’t mind
LF Mono Source: 1girl, elf, blush, long pointy/pointed ears, light/white hair, clavicle/collarbone,
LF Mono Source: 1girl, 1boy, kimono/yukata, flower/floral design/print, short black
LF Mono Source: 1boy, 1girl, blonde/white/light/black/dark hair, blush, clenched