Human League

Humanized Anivia (Ganassa) [League of Legends]
Humanized Rek'Sai [League of Legends] (citemer)
Humanized Anivia figuring out the hard way that going solo on Baron is not a good
Never one, Without the other (M Human -> F Kindred Lamb/Wolf; Latex Suit MTF/TGTF)[League
League of Legends: Lulu-fication [M Human -> F Yordle; MTF/TGTF][Shortstack/Micro]
Sona Plushification [F Human -> F Inanimate Plushie][League of Legends] -
League of Legends: Yordle Quinn, Human Tristana [F Human ⇄ F Shortstack Yordle]
Autofilled to Support [M Human -> F Mermaid; MTF/TGTF, Splendid Staff Nami
Pop Stars! {M Humans -> F K/DA Ahri (Kitsune) & Xayah (Harpy); MTF/TGTF,
From Feathers to Scales[F Human -> F Chameleon Girl; Twinning/Character TF][League
Duo Kindred Transformation [M/F Humans -> M Wolf & F Lamb][League
[M Human -> F Vastaya, M2F, TGTF, Possession, Ahri/League of Legends] [Commission]
[M Human -> F Deertaur, M2F, TFTG, Lillia/League of Legends] Patreon Reward
Mischa, squeaking, squirming & transforming into a big inflatable Sweetheart
[M Human -> F Vastaya, M2F, TGTF, Possession, Ahri/League of Legends] [Commission]
[M Human -> F Kitsune, M2F, TGTF, Ahri/League of Legends] oc to Ahri from