I'll Show Myself Out

Mhm, suck it up. i mean, uh...i'll show myself out.
it's hard waking up (get it? yeah I'll show myself out...)
Stupid one from the other night. I'll show myself out.
Feeling (F)ribble (I'll show myself out...)
(F)angamer Gym shirts Cerulean! It's not staryu, it's starmie :) ...I'll show myself
I took a pretty cheeky pic (I'll show myself out)
Are you a Middle Eastern dictator? 'Cause there's an uprising in my pants. I'll show
Are you a FAN of this pose? ? ... I'll show myself out
Off to masturbation station! Choo choo...yeah, I'll show myself out [F18]
It was a good run. I'll show myself out.
Showers get me all wet and steamy! (Hi, I'm dad... I'll show myself out)
Lacy Sunday ahegao.. get it? Lazy? Lacy? ? I'll show myself out (OC)
What's the integral of 1/(cabin)? 1 natural log cabin. I'll show myself out.
I see you stairing at my butt. Get it, STAIRing? Thank you, I'll show myself out!
I see you stairing at my butt. Get it, STAIRing? Thank you, I'll show myself out!
I can be ... a handful! (I'll show myself out)