I Need Feminism Because

I need feminism because my bush looks like the Dainese logo
I need feminism because I am tired of having my body fetishized by 'chubby chasers'
Well, what does that have to do with feminism? feminism is a policy, not a biological
feminism can be well understood in terms of femaleness as a form of disability: it
No, adorable fairy of love, no: that's exactly why women DO NEED feminism (namely
feminism is not incompatible with female inferiority or women's inferiority-based
So, MD feminists, this subreddit is helping you and feminism alot, cause thanks to
So, MD feminists, this subreddit doesn't make you reject feminism, but, on the contrary,
So, MD feminists, remember: you *NEED* feminism (namely, artificial gender equality)
So womyn need inferior men too because those are the only men womyn can play their
Well, that's why you womyn need feminism: because you're too inferior to be responsible.
Thanks to /r/maledom feminists have understood they need feminism (an artificial/political
So thanks to /r/maledom modern feminists understand that that's the reason why feminism
Because feminism is a nice thing except for a little problem: it is not sexy to the
I Don't Need Feminism Because
Inferior men mistreat women against women's will because they can't get what superior
I need feminism because
I need feminism because...
I Need Feminism Because...