I Should Write This

what should i write with this pen?
Someone should write a story based off of this photo..
Should be writing a paper that's due tomorrow..this sounded like a lot more fun though.
should I write this on? [f]
Should be writing my paper, but can't stop playing with mysel(f) this morning.
Chat with me, distract me from this paper I should be writing haha
So this guy in my introductory Java class told me I should try and write a program
should i give this series a title or write something that comes up in my mind every
Even though I was forced to wear this mask by the Evil Queen, I've grown to enjoy
How should I write this down? [Fauna] (naughtysableye) {BDSM}
(Online) Gonna dress like this again and do some bodywriting ?. What should I write?
For the FOUR arse-holes writing to me telling me I should be ashamed & I'm
i know i should write something sexy but i just can’t stop thinking that i look
I should be writing an essay but I want to do this instead - wonder if I can multitask...
What should I write on this nice white canvass [oc]