I Was Lurking

[m] I couldn't fall asleep, and was lurking on RGW. I figured I'd contribute for
Been lurking and finally decided to take the plunge. {m} Let me know it was worth
Been lurking gonewild [f]or a while and when my bf made this pic of me, I thought
Lurking was boring in comparison to how much [f]un this is! more in comments
(M)y first time posting, decided I was lurking too much...whatcha think?
I figured it was ti[m]e after all of my lurking...x-post from GW+
so I was s(m)oking some 
hashish and lurking on GW AND 
rubbing one out..this is
feeling nervous but I've lurked for so long, figured it was ti[m]e to contribute
At a solid [7] decided it was ti[m]e to stop lurking ;)
Been lurking here forever. Thought it was time to say 
Hi. (m)
[f] Was told to submit. First post on Reddit ever (I've been lurking for a while)
[F]inally, I decide to stop lurking. Was it worth it?
I've been lurking for a while and thought it was finally time to say hello!
I've been lurking for awhile and you've all inspired me to try my very first shower
I've been lurking on here for so long, figured it was finally time to say hello!
Thought it was time to stop lurking. Hope you like.
After lurking GW I thought it was only fair, first post!
I was lurking for too long xP
So the naked pic failed..back to lurking. Bye reddit, it was fun
First post. Was told by a lurking friend to post, so bam!.. I think
Was lurking.. Super nervous now
James******61 (BF's collection. Lurked bucket for months, just saw it was deleted.
I've been lurking for some time now, I figured it was time to make an account and
Wouldn't have thought *that* was lurking in there
I have been lurking for awhile now, thought it was time to contribute a little
So I was playing a TF2 match and I lurked upon this cringe FNaF spray...
Lurked for quite a while but now is the first time I've had something I felt was
Been lurking for a while and figured it was about time I put up a pic for you all~
Always lurked here, was interested what people thought
Figured it was time to stop lurking!
Just (M)y Verification... I was lurking for to long, had to share
Good morning. Was lurking but then I got naked for you! ;)
i usually lurk around on here most of the time but i felt like it was time to post
I woke up to a lot of hate. I’m sorry if I post to much. I thought that was the
First time posting, been lurking for a while and decided it was about time.
I woke up to a lot of hate. I’m sorry if I post to much. I thought that was the
[F]irst time on here... been lurking for a while and finally got the courage to post.
M38, 182lbs, 5'9 Not a fan but I've been lurking so long i thought it was time to
[F] Was lurking for a while
Figure all the lurking was unjust(M)
159/M/5'10-11"I can't remember how to post! Used to lurk and post here, was
Lurked for too long! Thought it was [m]y turn to post (25)