I Wish I Was Dead

Took out the trash this morning, and smelled something dead. This is what I found.
Woman's last wish was for her dead body to be taken to the department of the interior
Everything is (f)ine, but I wish I was dead
[F] wish Walking Dead was on tonight :(
Happy Valentine's Day ? (technically) (not dead, just recovering from surgery) (kinda
19(f) Here I am. Pick me up, toss me around, and cum where you want. I'm dead drunk,
I wish i was dead so i wouldnt have to be alive haha
Swedish amateur slut wish she was dead!
I was sick of working everyday at my dead end job and having no time for fun. I wished
Makes me wish I was dead s!n-ap_blazorwar!
And I just wish that I was dead s'nap*sayloving!