Jaune And Pyrrha

I wrote a Jaune x Pyrrha greentext over on 4chan's /RWBYg/ and thought I could share
Pyrrha and Jaune by NDGD/Vault6969
Jaune and Pyrrha Scroll Chat
Pyrrha and Jaune [zronku]
Ren and Jaune sharing Pyrrha [kingovan]
Jaune and Pyrrha together at a hot spring [Sinccubi]
Pyrrha and Jaune having fun (RWBY) [lulu_chan92]
Pyrrha and Jaune (Arkos) from RWBY (by Icesticker)
Pyrrha and Jaune after training
RWBY: "Glynda Teaching Arkos"- Pyrrha and Glynda Spitroast Jaune (Icesticker)
Jaune and Pyrrha finally coming together (NDGD)
Jaune And Pyrrha's Reunion (GrameSliime) [RWBY]
Jaune And Pyrrha's Reunion (GrapeSliime) [RWBY]