Jim Jones

November 18, 1978. Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones and more than 900 of his followers
The infamous ‘Jonestown Massacre’ led by cult leader Jim Jones, where around
Bodies of Jim Jone's Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana, November 1978. 909 people
/r/funny didn't approve my "Jim Jones, Heavyweight Champ meme", so maybe
912 followers of cult leader Jim Jones lay dead with their children following group
Why aren't there a lot of jokes about Jim Jones?
The Corpse of the Notorious Cult Leader 'Jim Jones' Who Coerced 909 People to Commit
Bloated body of the reverend Jim Jones
The picture the chair Jim Jones sat in as he convinced 910 people to kill their children
This is the chair Jim Jones sat in as he convinced 910 people to commit suicide.