Lol Jk.......

My friends somewhat ugly sister...LOL JK
So my crush came over last night to watch tv with me, is she still playing hard to
2 tickets... Lol jk
Tip my hat. LOL jk
Let me light that smoke for you, LOL JK!
cansur lol jk
Just got back {f}rom the beach! Am I tan yet? Lol jk I'm a fucking ginger..we can't
first post be gentle. lol jk..said everyone else
winding down.... lol jk
Overnight celebrity (f) lol jk
(F)irst post. Lol jk.
LOL jk ???? nah man jk???????? it ?was ??⏱ just a joke??? LOL?? you???????? fell
Kim K, get @ me....lol jk plz don't
Getting my tan on...jk I hate the sun and the sun hates me lol
Sorry to be such an ass... Been a few weeks since I last posted. Not like anyone
lol jk i suck and we all know it ( here is a butt to make up for it maybe? <3)
?xoxo [f]irst time posting lol jk
love 4 sale! jk lol PM me!
Just another 5" dick wondering if I belong here lol ....jk I'm 6 inch soft
Been working on my tan lol jk I'm ginger this is as brown as I get.
Happy Monday! Lol jk Mondays suck [f23]
Precious' deleted scenes lol jk
I feel like the internet has enough tits. lol jk here are more!
I just want to cuddle tonight. (lol jk!)
(m) Call No help, she suck LoL JK, she Kool and sexy, overnights
Getting hard before I head out! ;) jk I have to stay inside lol. #ThanksCOVID
With all the hate being brought to this subreddit, I wanted to share a wholesome
(f)irst post, I'm shy, so go easy on me. Lol jk here's my butthole
Oh no step-bro what are you doing ? Lol jk just pound it
What are you looking at??? Lol jk, enjoy my tits as long as you want :) Snapchat:
What are you looking at??? Lol jk, enjoy my tits as long as you want :) Snapchat:
[f] I'll be you pokeslut. ? lol jk
What are you looking at??? Lol jk, enjoy my tits as long as you want :) Snapchat:
What are you looking at??? Lol jk, enjoy my tits as long as you want :)
Happy Halloween had to get off inside this pumpkin because all the tricks was out
Lol jk, Peace.
Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and comment! Jk lol just spank me c:
It's always the same 3 girls making it to the top of this sub ? I hope I make it
Samantha couldnt hang with the big dogs! LOL! Drunk ass bitch was wasted after 1