Lol That Comment

I sometimes like reading the comments on youtube that get thumbed-down so much they
happy (f)riday to the guys who understand that sharing is caring LOL - here's my
Well, that's the full length. I grew it myself lol! Comments, PMs are always welcome
Veri(f)ication for that guy who called me fake in my comments earlier... (f)uck off
Here you go... thanks to my commenters for the love, and thanks to that one hater
My gf has took a lot of persuasion to let me show other ppl that she's still hot
"Wouldn't want to besmirch the good name that is YouTube comments."
My [f]irst on/off! The only shirt that fit me was a kids small lol. Extra photo in
Long time sub lurker; mine and my wife's toys came in yesterday, like a week early.
Is it weird that I want a bunch of guys to chat about jerking off to me in the comments?
Why should I cuck you, when I can cuck your wife? Lol! That bitch deserves to wear
Fuck it, been skinny my whole life. Let's see how much longer that lasts lol. 1 upvote
If anyone is a Chiver you should follow my new account! Will probably be posting
Wake up ???? (wakes up that dick lol) (comments)
I saw that john posted a picture of our Christmas Uber lol i loved his comment about
Morning Jezheads! Thank you to the peeps who have generously donated to my boudoir