My Fig

Just received my 30th fig, thought I'd post my collection so far
Book of Abraham Facsimile recreation in my family room. Finally, now complete with
Showing my pink bits.
Oh my! He's spilt his seed everywhere!
It's here! My 1st pre-order. 1st international order, 1st AmiAmi order, 1st Alter
Doing some "Figging" before I leave. My asshole is burning now!!
Found out my coworker paints Warhammer figs when I told him I play D&D, so
Wasnt quite sure where to put my fig leaf
Tumescent, adjective: slightly swollen (especially as it relates to erectile tissue).
Male 23, 6'4, 239lbs, first time posting! lately I've been feeling self conscious
Nitta Yui - one of my favorite figs, done by Raita
Enjoyed the sunset and a wood fire that I cooked my dinner on all while wearing a
My main fetish is pussy torture - I cum hard when my big long flaps and hairy opening