My Translations

My favourite moment in Lost in Translation.
My Little Book Japanese Doujin (translated) [Thanks Twilightfaggot and anon from
My poor attempt at translating a Sakolut dolan
A shot from one of my favorite opening scenes in a movie. Lost in Translation - Scarlett
My 13 year old brother was tagged in this picture. Can we get a translator?
My favorite kind of anonymous sex is with nasty pederasts (translation in comments)
My friend found this in a parking lot. Any ideas/translation?
Feeling (f)loriform. (Translation: Here, look at my butt.)
My best Google Text to Speech fail yet. I said, ''can I lift that foot?'' This is
[Manga] [Ecchi] My Balls Vol. 1-6 (English translation)
My verification pic got lost on translation. I guess I must have been so excited
[NSFW] I found this awesome artwork in my Norwegian grandfather's effects. Can anyone
My Fiancee did a little translating
My Friend, Danish Artist - Nanna Grønnevik Bretton-Meyer -- "Alle Elsker Bacon"
My Hindi translation request
My username 'tej mar' translates to "Die Fast" in Hindi
[Unknown → English] Written on my arm by a friend from Montenegro. (Probably NSFW)(The
I think my universal translator malfunctioned.
[Chinese-> English] Text on a wall in my uni's library, been curious for a
Translation: As a horrible parent, how do I destroy my child's life?
White Devil(Sorry if my translation is a bit off)
Japanese to English please.. I think. Pardon my ignorance
wearing this translates to "play with my tits please" (f20)
Youtube Ad. (Translation: Fucked my aunt.)
Translation: Lead your flag high, my son. And bring the name of Latvia proudly. Sign:
Translation: “my dick game is trash.”
My coach sends me zones and durations and I translate them into TR rides... I think
Angry, muffled grunts, translated into "Don't steal my skirt"
Translation: I reviewed some shit you sent to me which i will never use for views.
Gudako Loves Using Your Support Roaster (1 of 2) [Translation]
Gudako Loves Using Your Support Roster (2 of 2) [Translation]
[NSFW] Hope this post is ok but wanted to share how good my butt looks after over
[Japanese > English] [NSFW] all i want for my birthday is this hentai translation
[New Manhwa] First we got "Stepmother Friends" then we got "Stepmother's