Nail Injury

Just broke my nail really hard, not the coolest injury but it is a bit of a bloody
stitches trough finger nail [nsfw]
NSFW -INJURY- My gelnail ripped almost completely off and lifted my natural nail
Had a toe nail removed long after a injury and I had three toe nails growing on top
I see your nail injury. Here's mine
[50/50] Bee removes nail to get into wall SFW | Severe Hand injury NSFW/L
Finger injury causes nail deformity
I see your nail injury, I raise you a mandolin cutter injury...
Picked at my nail for 2 years straight. Extremely minor, but I just want to know
I jammed toenail back into nail bed. Doesn't hurt now, but this is a week later.
Crushed my nail on a metal shelf. It's been blue since July, and now suddenly the
year ago i kick the bed leg so hard the root of my toe nail pop out. blood jelly
1 day shy of 4 weeks post injury. Finger: tip broken , nail broken, fingerprint padding