No Berny No

OH NO! Bernie Sanders let his bag of doritos fall. Click the UPARROW to help him!
[NSFW] No one has ever seen Bernie Sanders in person, until now
Oh no! Bernie Sanders lost a hand! Click the arrow on the [Le][f]t to put it back!
O no! Bernie Comcast Snowden Just Leaked GOT Spiolers! Upspoilerss to the Left.
WOW ep1C! DAE know that le Bernie Hitler Sanders 1885 dank senior quote was "no
Oh no! Jaime "The Bernieslayer" Lannister just stabbed Bernie Sanders!
Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has promised to thank Mr Skeltal. Updoot
{NSFW}{NSFL}Dear r/circlejerk , is no longer any Gentlesirs they were rounded up
Oh no! Bernie Sanders fell over while walking to his table at Applebee's!
This is my grandpa supporting the Bernie Campaign - I LOVE his enthusiasm! (NSFW
TIL Bernie Sanders has been truthful in all of the questions asked during the debates.
Bernie.. NO!
Vote for BERNIE no matter what!