No One Listens

Not all that funny, really. And now in light of NSA PRISM, it's quaint and strangely
Guys.... No seriously guys listen... I just found the one thing... It's literally
(F) People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening- no one dared
No one has listened to [M]y username yet
listen buddy, i'm only going to say it once and i will never say it again so take
No One Listened to the Warnings
[F] Is your coworker listening to music, or erotica? No one knows how soaking wet
When you lose a bet to your roommate and he brings his buddy to share his prize.
But no one was listening s?na.p=clewflite
But no one was listening s.na.p_twohowler
No one's listening s,,nap_loanchood