No Really Though

darling, you were wonderful, you really were quite good - i enjoyed it though, of
Apparently it was a really good party... no one really remembers this part though....
r/Funny didn't really like my beautiful Mother Gaia.  Guess she wasn't funny enough.
A little tease [pic] as my introduction;) I'm new and a little confused about how
Doing a 8 day no cu(m)ing challenge and it's really hard. Fuck, the build up is going
(F)irst post! (But no really though)
(M) 7grams of Protien I REALLY don't like peanut butter though frfr like no joke
(m) I be laughing @ y'all low key, nah High key. But I got a good ass family though!
Heading off to meet with my really hot guy tonight! I’m so stoked. I’ve been
Unscheduled Appointment. It wasn't really unscheduled actually, it's just that the
No one around to slap my cheeks :( IEven though I've been a really bad girl lately
No really though who is you kidding sn,,a,,p-hitgreedy!
Help! I need validation from internet strangers! No, really though ;)