Pokemon Trading

I was trading Magnemites over the GTS when I came across this. This is from someone
Thats a new way to play the trading card game NSFW
Meet Cuddles, my first GTS trade! i completley forgot about leaving a zygarde in
[Games] I Wounder Traded this person and gave her my shiny pokemon and im fine with
[Fluff]I swear to god this is every good wonder trade I get (exaggeration)NSFW
So, I got this through a Wonder Trade today... NSFW? Sorta?
Wonder Trade Sawk -- took a while for my brain to read it "correctly"
So I just got this in wonder trade... (Slightly NSFW)
Thanks Wonder Trade. NSFW
I just got an official warning and a ban threat from a mod of /r/PokemonTrades, for
First week of trading in Pokémon Go. I guarantee it!
Made the original trading card game with my roommates, the results are mixed...
Packed and Ready for Con, where you trade these like pokemon cards for rare stuff.
Poké Trade [F Humans -> F Anthro Charmander & Pikachu; Pokémon]
Ash finally traded in his Pikachu to smash Jessie (Terufuu) [Pokemon]
Trading Elesa Off [Pokemon Body Part Swap]
Who has pokemon shield and wants to trade?
Hey all you cool cats and kittens, anyone fancy some trading on their Pokemon Sword
Let’s trade cards and play pokemon games together :p ♥ Full pokemon set on my
Trade [F Human ----> F Pokemon] by Zorym
Just going through my Pokemon collection, anyone wanna trade?.