Red Tail Hawk

A Red-Tailed Swallow-Hawk's favorite Beverage
Rare sight; witnessed a red tailed hawk on an intersection in Forest Hills, Queens.
Red-Tailed Hawk cleaning his dinner.
Red Tailed Hawk takes on a large Diamondback Rattler
Red-tailed Hawk disembowels prey while wearing protective eye gear
Red-tailed Hawk Rips Off Head of Vole
NSFW, Red Tail Hawk (?) enjoying the spoils of a hunt in my job's parking lot!
Red Tail Hawk feasting on its prey.
Young Red-tailed hawk checking out a birdcam
Red-tailed hawk eating a squirrel on the lawn of my university residence
Red-tailed hawked tears lizard pt on a low branch
Red-tailed Hawk spilling a coot's guts
Red-tailed Hawk tearing a Gopher Snake in half
Aren't red tailed hawks beautiful?
(OC) Out on a drive today and caught this red tailed hawk enjoying some duck for