Rip My Heart

Guy on my newsfeed says his ex ripped out his heart, minutes later she changes her
Heart ripped out o(f) my chest
The love of my life dumped me a few days ago out of no where and needless to say...
[Injustice Year 1 #1] Rereading this little exchange ripped my heart out all over
Your ass is ripping my heart.
MRW my douchebag ex rips out my heart then proceeds to tell me "There's plenty
I ripped out my heart because of you.
NSFW because I enjoy ripping my heart out
[NSFW] [RIP] Today my heart rat Rose crossed the rainbow bridge.
[NSFW]? My cat ripped a bird's heart out and left it on the floor. This is terrifying.
My Ex has been trying her best to rip my heart out lately
Mornin', LOSERS. Do you like my Halloween costume -- see this heart? I'd rip it out
My yoga pants got a heart shaped rip in them now
Roses arR red, my heart is black, rip a hole in my fishnets and fuck me from the