Safe Search

Google image searching for Minecraft with Safe Search turned off is perilous. [NSFW?]
Google needs a reverse safe search. I don't need errant babies boner-killing my pr0nning.
Pokemon Rule34 Courtesy of Google - Safe Search Enabled
The only time when you WANT Google safe search to be on. (Kinda NSFW)
What the? Oh, safe search is off [NSFW]
Safe Image searching [How-to]
I was looking for a certain photo of a manager wrecking a locker room when I realized
forgot to turn safe search ON this time. (NSFW)
[NSFW] I did a Google image search of "so full of hate" with moderate safe
Don't tell Daylight Darkle: Safe-search was off when I went looking for pics so....
I think google's safe search is broken, and confused. (nsfw)
moderate safe search was on. Wtf google. I want to know how that got in to top images
First hit for "a rock" in google image search with safe search off  (NSFW)
Safe search always gets me !
I think the "Strict Safe Search" needs to be looked at....
Well done Google "strict" safe search, you're on the ball [NSFW]
Last time I turn of safe search in school. looking up car designer Erika Tsubaki[NSFW]
Really Google? That's the number 2 result, with safe search ON? (NSFW)
Not using safe search on Bing for vatican scandal. [nsfw]
Real Advice Mallard: Make sure you turn Safe Search Off. [NSFW]
Safe search is on. No safe search results. NSFW (no images)
Finally found a way to turn off safe search at my public library
Safe search off and this is what I get?
Disabled the safe-search on my moms phone...
Even searching for C/C++ string formats isn't safe anymore.
If you search the movie "Zootopia" on google images there is furry porn
Not really what I was looking for DDG... (safe search turned off for both)
Forgot to turn on safe search
There is no safe search... NSFW
Realized it can be difficult to find GIFs of Roxxxy - come thru safe search
Google's Safe Search and Steam's advertisement at their best