Scared The Shit Out Of Me

By Crom, Wrarrl scared the shit out of me as a kid.
These things scare the shit out of me.
when i was 8 or 9, "Humbug" was the first X-Files 
episode i saw and it
This part scared the shit out of me [Spoiler]
Im loving the nerd thing, but all those dolls watching would scare the shit out of
(NSFW) He scared the shit out of me (Dark Brotherhood spoiler)
This may not be traditional, but this scared the shit out of me
Found this under the carpet in a house I broke into last night, scared the shit out
[NSFW] "The real John Constantine scares the fucking shit out of me because
He scared the shit out of me this morning.
This scared the shit out of me.
This scared the shit out of me.
(f) Climbing this tower up nort' scared the shit out of me
The boss in this office DID catch me last week, but I wasn't naked (yet). I was just
Folklore Hunter wouldn't be any less terrifying if the Wendigo was female. Game scares