Self Hate. Hate

It's not my cake day and this is a self post... (I also hate your cats)
20/f/180lbs/5ft0  - SI Burn scars, overweight. hate being naked - do i really have
Self Hate
I am very self conscious about myself...but now I don't give a fuck...love me or
As a man who isn't exactly thin, low self esteem and hates his own self image, was
Another self post, despite some hate on my first one :p
18F, 157cm 45kg. Successfully recovered from an eating disorder. Self hate still
I know people hate my pout but...this is a cleavage sub. My tits are down here! (self)
Jesus was a Self-hating Jew
(22/F) Hate my outie belly button (had an umbilical hernia as a baby) and I can't
White women are superior to self hating ugly worthless asian whores.
[Self] Hate working on a Sunday.
[24F/150lbs] I've always hated my boobs and struggled with body image, but starting
Hate to cover mysel[f] up because of the 4° weather. Glad I'm home and be my naked
(Self) Anyone else hate the clean up but love finally giving in and messing their
My neighbors either love me or hate me! [self]
My neighbors either love me or hate me [self]
I have no idea what weight I am, perhaps 5'6 in height, 36 years old. Used to hate
22f. Ive always been super skinny, and super self conscious. I hated my body, but
MFW I delete my entire smut collection during a self-hate fueled panic attack in
Finally posted a public photo on Imgur and got nothing but hate from people. So that
20F 5'2 135lbs - First time posting here. Been self conscious of and hated my body
You'd think someone posting nudes on the internet would have high self esteem but
F/19/5'5"/112lbs. I hate my body. I go into fits of self-hatred that cause me
[Self] Kiss me like you miss me, fuck me like you hate me
Low self esteem...hate my cock, but want opinions
[M/31/235-222] I've been working out 5 days a week to recapture my self confidence
Self Hate, me, traditional, 2020
hated my body for most of my life (still do some days) but after a lot of self work
30(F)/175cm/68kg - raised in a religious home and hated myself and body. Now in a
When you shave your genitals in an attempt to make them look better, and then this
Note: If You're A Catfish (And a Self-Hating Weirdo With Serious Anger Issues) This
Note: If You're A Catfish (And a Self-Hating Weirdo With Serious Anger Issues) This
I don't post with it often bc I hate the way I sound and it makes me extremely self-conscious.
A little self massage/self love tonight. I hate being single I need a man to help
34M, 120+kg last time i weighted myself. I wasn't always like this, but i left my
[20F] 5'3'', 120 lbs - I know that I shouldn't complain. I like my body, but I hate
[F/M] The Prince wouldn't arrive for another 10 minutes [Human male on female anthro][Love
huge PTSD progress = less self hate. I'm prettier when im happy. ❤️ F26 135lb
Thanks, I hate self pleasure.