Severe Depression

I live in a shitty studio apartment, work at a shitty job, moved away from my family,
I am severely depressed and live in a shitty studio apartment working at a minimum
Severe Depression: When your family tells you to "just snap out of it".
Just severely depressed white male things
[NSFW] Cumbox 2.0-Every day for 3 years I have cum on this one sheet several times
I would like all feed back. I suffer heavily from depression and severe anxiety.
M/40/6'[165lbs > 190lbs = 35lbs gained](3 years) After being hit by cluster
M/25/6'4" [184.4 > 196.6 = 12.2lbs gained] Got mono last year, sent me
M/25/5'5" [158lbs > 142lbs = 16lbs] (6ish months off/on) I used to have
32/5'10"/150lbs - I have severe body image issues that make daily life difficult
After several months of intense depression and existential crises, I'm ready to start
NSFW First drawing after a long hiatus because of severe depression, ptsd and panic
NSFW First drawing after a long hiatus because of severe depression, ptsd and panic
[NSFW] finally started to overcome my severe depression by picking up sewing as a
Due to depression/financial issues, I let this be for several years. It doesn't hurt