Sexually Inferior

So if you can be famous for being inferior too, and if being an inferior sexual object
A Superior Man's superiority is the only thing that can make women feel justified
Sorry feminism, but inferiority is feminine. It's infinitely more provoking, feminine
In this modern age of feminism against rape and against male sexual violence, we
The method women use to get things from superior Men is sexual pleasure. The method
When women were forcibly coerced into sexual submission, they said they didn't submit
So feminism basically comprises two fundamental female rights: 1) the sexual right
Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason
So MD feminists you should be grateful to this subreddit, cuz thanks to the understanding
MD feminists: although you are worthless, remember that even worthlessness can be
she was so inferior and worthless that He wouldn't even accept her for sexual pleasure.
/r/maledom readers, there are some fellows that still don't get it, so I'll have
The difference between a woman who is sexually enjoyed ("loved") by an
Superior Men are superior, resourceful and optionful enough to go much beyond this:
Thanks to /r/maledom feminists have understood they need feminism (an artificial/political
So thanks to /r/maledom feminists can be sexy, carnal, sexual, submissive and self-degrading
Superior Men don't need to have any nice disposition toward women to succeed in sexually
Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to
Paradoxically, keeping inferior men away and getting respect, reverence, money and
Due to female inferiority, women can only interest superior Men by offering their
In order to be accepted by superior Men, women have to admit those Men's superiority,
Superior Men's sexuality is genetically linked to female inferiority, so superior
So the obscure sexual logic of women is easily profilable and well known by superior
feminism tells women to disregard their inferiority that defines femininity in terms
feminists are even victims of Reality's sexism (or, in more technical terms, sexual
Yes: dresses and cosmetics have a sexual meaning. feminists wear their inferiority
So we continue our humble quest into a better sex (hey, sorry about our treatment
Everyone can make a sandwich & has sexual organs & inferior attributes,
So a woman trying to sexually impress a superior Man is actually a woman trying to
Interracial porn makes me feel sexually inferior but I can't stop masturbating to