Sitting In The Floor

sitting on the floor with her hands in cuffs
Sitting in the middle of the floor
Sitting on the floor with her chest in your face
MRW I'm sitting on the floor at work, curled up in a ball and yelling profanities
My new floor pillow is so soft, I just wanna sit here in the nude all day ?
(M, 32, 150ish lbs, 5'11) I normally play video games in the nude! I am sitting on
Sitting on the floor post-workout, I flexed my traps in the mirror and they were
i have to sit on the floor Because i made an oopsie in my diaper...again
Just sitting in the floor showing off, as one usually does.
My favorite showerbeers are the ones in complete dark, sitting on the floor and blasting
My favorite is when I sit on the floor all pretty waiting for him to .hove it in
My favorite is when I sit on the floor all pretty waiting for him .o shove it in
I don’t mind sitting on the floor, but I’m open to other seats if you have one