Smoking Dope

I don't smoke dope
"I'm the dopest dope you'll ever smoke" [f]
The dopest dope I ever did smoke
Evolution of my foil-smoking technique (+minor dope porn)
I Googled " i like the pope smokes dope".... Made my day (NSFW)
Slightly concerned about a member of my family who was out all of last night and
Opened my container and my dope looked at me like it didnt want to be smoked. But
Amazing artist doing art by smoking dope. I can't remeber his name right now but
Just a little freshly smoked piece of some fine ptown dope
Dopest dope I've ever smoked!
dope porn (i dont wana hear anyones shit about smoking it so dont bother <3)
sorry ive been slackin guys! heres some dope porn .. crazzzy good dope,smoke 2 bang
A Few Years Ago I Was This Dope Smoking Guy...Now I Am A Dope Smoking Gurl!
The dopest dope you've ever smoked
I quit smoking weed years ago because of massive anxiety and paranoia but D8 hits
I quit smoking weed years ago because of massive anxiety and paranoia but D8 hits