So This Just Happened

So this just happened on my Facebook wall...
So this just happened... Live on MSNBC.
So... this just happened.. [NSFW]
So, this just happened...
So this just happened
So... This just happened - remember ATGATT (NSFW ish)
So this just happened
So this just happened.
So this just happened..
So, this just happened
So this just happened.....
So this just happened...
So this just happened...(x-post r/funny)
So this just happened.
So this just happened
So... this just happened.
So this just happened...
So this just happened..
so this just happened
So this just happened...
So this just happened and I nearly had a stroke...
So this just happened in my suburb. The auction is in the next couple of hours. (NSFW
So this just happened..
So this just happened
So this just happened...
So this just happened to my SO.
So this just happened...
So this just happened
So this just happened
So this just happened on GTA
So this just happened..
So this just happened...
So, this just happened...
So.. this just happened [f]
So this just happened... (f)
so this just happened
So this just happened...
So this just happened
So...this just happened.
So this just happened on /b/.
So this just happened...
So this just happened...
So this just happened!
So this just happened...
So this just happened.
So this just happened.
So this just happened
So this just happened and I can't deal ?