Star Saber

Screencap from Star Wars: Episode VII new trailer shows the new light saber ;3
[OC] A Twi'lek with blue skin using her light-saber in a way not usually recommended
Star wars fan masturbates with a light saber!
Masturbation with a light saber from star wars!
Happy Star Wars Day! Who wants to hold my light saber?
I[m] a Star Wars fan... can't you tell by my "light saber"?
Anakin & Jacen Solo thrust their meat-sabers into Princess Leia's gaping
Three Sabers (John Doe) [Star Wars]
Team Tyrant Shooting Star by @hirame_sa
Dark side Rey with double saber [Star Wars] (Devilhs)
Dark side Rey and her saber [Star Wars] (Devilhs)
Dark side Rey and her saber [Star Wars] (Devilhs)
Rey eyeing some different kind of sabers (Beowulf1117) [Star Wars]
Were you really expecting the Star Wars nerd to not be packing a large saber? ;)
Trilla comparing sabers (Stephanie) [Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order]
Trilla comparing sabers (Stephanie) [Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order]
april eage (saber rider and star sheriffs)